TAKE A LOOK AT OURMost Popular Classes

Little hands practice working with clay as they make a class favorite . . . Dinosaurs!

Clay Dinosaurs!

Supplies Nedded: Children’s Air Dry Clay or Modeling Clay - Toothpicks - children's clay tools (optional)
Little artists learn art history and color theory all in one, fun class!

Paint Like Van Gogh!

Supplies Needed: Painting/drawing pad or canvas - Tempera or acrylic paints - Paint brushes
Little artists learn portrait techniques while recognizing small details and basic shapes!

My First Portrait!

Supplies Needed: Drawing/painting pad - Pencil - Crayons or colored pencils
This multi-sensory class will stimulate your child’s creativity while inspiring them to create unique works of art

Musical Art!

Supplies Needed: Painting/ drawing pad - Any medium of choice!
Private Art Party Themes

Kids Party!

Choose One: Monet Par-Tay! ~ Clay Me! ~ Creation! ~ Space! ~ Paint like Van Gogh!
Private Art Party Themes

Crafts & Carafes

Choose One: Wine and Waves ~ Texas Sunset ~ Wonderful Watercolors

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